"The more that you read, the more things you will know,
the more that you'll learn, the more places you'll go."
-Dr. Seuss

Friday, October 4, 2013

We had a very busy week in third grade! In Reader's Workshop we continued to read more stories and tried to decide what genre they were, based on the characteristics we have been learning the past couple of weeks. The kids were very excited to put together their Reader's Notebooks! They learned how to log their books and tally the genres. They have also been practicing "Read to Self" and "Read to Someone" at their Literacy Stations, along with listening and responding to stories using a retelling graphic organizer. In Writing, we have been "mapping" our memories using sketches and labeling. The kids have been picking small moment memories from their "maps" to write stories. This week we focused on memories we have had at a special place. Many of the kids chose a vacation spot, a favorite beach, their backyards, or a relatives home. Next week we will be working on including details and voice in our stories, so they don't sound like lists or reports. We are still in our Place Value Unit in Math. We learned how to compare and order larger numbers, and continued to practice expanded and standard form. The kids have also been playing games to review their facts. Please remind your children to practice facts at home on extra math and the other websites listed. In Science we have been enjoying watching our Wisconsin Fast Plants grow! The kids love measuring their plants and making predictions about how many centimeters they will grow. We can't wait until the flowers begin to bloom! Be sure to read our blog next week when the kids take over to write about our week in school. I will be choosing two different kids each week to help out! They are very excited! Have a wonderful weekend!