"The more that you read, the more things you will know,
the more that you'll learn, the more places you'll go."
-Dr. Seuss

Friday, April 25, 2014

Written by Ruby, Caleb, and Charlotte C. :)

This week in Math we finished our fraction unit and began our time unit. We practiced telling time to the hour, half hour and minute and learned how to tell time to the quarter hour. Since our state test is coming up next week, we have also been reviewing past units. We worked on some practice tests so we would be comfortable with the format. We had another awesome science presentation about Solar Power. We went to 4 different stations that taught us how to use solar energy to do different things, like make light from a flashlight move solar powered toys. It was a lot of fun! In Reading we finished "Everything for a Dog". We thought some parts were sad, but it had a very happy ending. We were very surprised how the story turned out. We loved it! We did a lot of journal writing this week. We wrote about our spring vacations and shared our stories with the class. We will be beginning our persuasive unit next week. We had a Junior Achievement lesson this week, taught by Mrs. Higgs. It was our third one. We learned about the different ways to pay for things and we played a fun game to practice using money. We are happy the weather is starting to feel like spring! We have been enjoying the sunshine at recess.